Rabbit cooked in Lemon Juice with Thyme or Oregano

Rabbit cooked in Lemon Juice with Thyme or Oregano


1 rabbit, about 1.200 gr

1 water glass oil

1 big onion, finely chopped

1 glass of white wine

The juice of three medium-sized lemons

1 tbsp. thyme or 1 tsp. oregano

Salt, pepper


Wash the rabbit well and cut it into portions. Put the oil in a saucepan and when it starts to sizzle add the rabbit and slightly brown it on both sides. Add a glass of white wine and cook until it browns properly. Then add the finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, thyme or oregano, the lemon juice and a glass of water and simmer for 40 minutes at normal heat. If the food’s water has evaporated during cooking, you can add some more.